This is the current connection mode between the mobile phone and the device. Tapping on it will show detailed connection information.
LAN indicates that the mobile phone and the device are connected through the local area network (LAN), usually appearing when the mobile phone and the device are in the same LAN. In this case, all traffic does not pass through the internet, and the network latency is the lowest.
P2P indicates that the mobile phone and the device are connected through the internet, which typically occurs when the mobile phone and the device are not in the same LAN or are in the same LAN but cannot be connected through the LAN, such as when the mobile phone is using a cellular network. In this case, all traffic is transmitted through the internet, and the network latency is generally.
Relay indicates that the mobile phone and the device are connected through the iBaby streaming relay server, which typically occurs when the other two modes of connection are unable to connect. In this case, all traffic passes through the iBaby streaming relay server for forwarding, and network latency may be higher.
Regardless of the connection mode, your traffic is safe.
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